State Funding Guide

As of December 3, 2024

Academic Appointment, Promotion, and Turnover Savings

Academic Faculty Ladder Rank State FTEs Current State

Effective July 1, 2020, Budget & Resource Management no longer tracks individual appointments, promotions, or separations related to budgeted State FTEs. All funding related to instructional faculty has been decentralized to each school, and allocation of these monies to departments, divisions, and faculty remains at the discretion of the schools, with the following constraints:

  • Each ladder-rank faculty member must be assigned a State FTE (per APM-220).
  • Sufficient funds must remain available within the school to provide the required salary support guarantee for ladder rank faculty, should it be needed.
  • A minimum of 10% of budgeted State faculty FTEs must remain unfilled; only ladder rank faculty count for purposes of this requirement (per APM-190).
  • No more than 50% of the X (Scale 0) portion of salary for in-residence and adjunct faculty may be paid from 1900 funds (per APM-270 and APM-280). (Exception: excludes LPPI and Occupational Medicine non-ladder rank positions allocated separately from the enrollment-related State FTEs)
  • A minimum of 33% of the X (Scale 0) portion of salary for ladder rank faculty must be paid from State funds (per the “VPAA Ramsey letter”). ERN code HSR must be used in applying the 33% which can be calculated as a function of FTE or total dollars. A total dollars calculation would be used if considering these funds to cover over the cap (OTC) amounts.
  • Any 19xx funds may only be used to pay the equivalent of the fiscal year base salary (X, not X’) for health science compensation plan faculty (reference AMP-196-37). Past precedent was to allocate 19xx funds to the ERN code of HSR (formerly HRG or XAC).
  • HS Clinical or Clinical X series faculty may be paid up to 100% of their fiscal year base salary from 19xx fund. (reference APM 278-16a and APM 275-16b 1)

General Guidelines

In general, it is recommended, but not required, that State general and lottery funds be used for educational related purposes. Special State specific funds might have additional restrictions.

UCOP STATE 1900 FUNDS POLICIES  effective July 1, 2017

State Funds may not be used for the following types of expenses:

  • Any expenses which require additional or exceptional approval, including the following: 
    • Employee morale-building events
    • Expenses exceeding the per-person maximum meal rates.
    • Entertainment of spouse or domestic partner, or family members
    • Tickets to a sporting, theatrical, or musical event
    • A cash contribution which includes the cost of a meal or registration fee made to a nonprofit organization in connection with an employee’s attendance at a fundraising event.
  • Travel
    • Exceptional approval for hotel stay within 40 miles of residence/place of business
    • Spouse or domestic partner travel expenses
    • Alcoholic beverages
  • Alcohol, tobacco
  • Sympathy gifts (cash or non-cash)
  • Prizes and other gifts (under policy G-41 and G-42) except gifts to students for an academic achievement

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