Operating Budget

Guidelines & Procedures



What we do

Topic Process Timing BRM Contact Resources
415(m) Restoration Plan Funding Annual Richard Chen 415(m) Restoration Plan Summary Plan Description
Accumulated Endowment Income Management Reporting in November; Meet with Control Points Annually Richard Chen UCOP Endowment and Similar Funds E-525
Agency Fund Approval As needed Denis Nepveu  
Allocation/Reallocation of Gifts & Bequests As needed Richard Chen Campus Administrative Policy 450-17
Be Smart About Safety Program Financial Management Annual - March/April Kevin Wong UCOP Be Smart About Safety Program
Budget Call Annual - January Chau Tu Current Budget Call Documents
Chancellor's Allocation Letter Annual - September Richard Chen  
Chancellor's Gifts & Endowments Quarterly Richard Chen  
Core Financial Plan (CFP) Management and Reporting Bi-Annual - Fall and Spring Chau Tu  
Deficit Monitoring Annual - September Chau Tu Campus Administrative Policy 300-49
Emergency Loan Program As needed Mike Clune  
F&A Allocation Annual Richard Chen  
Faculty Childbearing/Childbearing Leave Funding Ongoing, Quarterly Richard Chen  
Faculty Upgrade/Downgrade Funding Ongoing, Monthly Richard Chen  
Fiscal Year Close and Open Activities Oversight Annual - June/July Chau Tu  
Interlocation Transfer of Funds Monthly Kathy Bates-Woodward ITF Form
IT Roadmap Allocations As needed Kathy Bates-Woodward IT Governance
Mid-Career Recruitment Loan Management As needed Kathy Bates-Woodward Mid-Career Recruitment Loan Information Sheet
Patent Income Distribution & Analysis Annual - March Chau Tu
Kathy Bates-Woodward
Pooled Cost Analysis and Allocation Annual Richard Chen  
Professional Degree Supplement Tuition (PDST) Fee Proposals Annual Kathy Bates-Woodward UC Regents Policy
Rate Development – GAEL, Employee Support Programs, Unemployment Insurance Annual - May Kevin Wong  
Recurring Allocations Monthly Matt Tyler  
Regents Budget Tables (1, 3 & 4) Submission to UCOP Annual - Fall Kathy Bates-Woodward  
Regents Budget Tables (2 & 5) Submission to UCOP Annual - Fall Richard Chen  
Regents’ Gifts & Endowments Reallocation As needed Richard Chen  
Self-Supporting Professional Degree Programs Budget & Fee Proposal Coordination Annual Kathy Bates-Woodward UC Policy on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs
STIP/TRIP - Management of Funds; Investment/Withdrawal Impact Analyses & Reporting Monthly Chau Tu UCOP - STIP/TRIP Information
STIP/TRIP - Distributions Monthly Kathy Bates-Woodward

STIP Job Aids

Strategic Initiatives Fund Allocations As needed Kathy Bates-Woodward  
Student Disability Support Allocation Annual - Fiscal Close Richard Chen  
Student Services Fee Allocations Quarterly Kathy Bates-Woodward Student Academic Affairs
Tuition/PDST Return-to-Aid Projections & Allocations Quarterly Kathy Bates-Woodward UCOP Guidelines
UC Path Budget Management Ongoing Richard Chen UCOP - UCPath Center
UCOP Assessment Analysis and Management Annual Richard Chen  
University Relations Local Hiring Budget Management Annual - Fiscal Year open Richard Chen  
Vacation Leave Assessment Annual Ljubomir Stajic Vacation Leave Assessment