
CBR and VLA by ERN Code Lookup

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Frequently Asked Questions

CBR Questions

Q1. Does CBR affect what employees will pay for benefits?
No, CBR only affects the employer contributions.

Q2. How are the employees placed in groups?
Employees are assigned a UCSF CBR group based on employee class, benefits eligibility and in a few instances, job code. The Resources page includes a “Benefit Rate by Job Code Lookup”, which allows you to lookup CBR groups based on these four eligibility fields.

Q3. How do I find the benefits eligibility code for an employee?
In UCPath, benefits eligibility is determined by the Eligibility Config1 Code. An Eligibility Config1 = F (Full) or FO (Full Override) indicates the employee is eligible for Full Benefits; all others are not. The pre-UCPath BELI code no longer exists. To determine if an employee is eligible for full benefits, see the table below.

Benefits Package Initial Requirements Continuing Requirements
Full Member of a UC-sponsored defined benefit retirement plan

An appointment that is 50% or more for 12 or more months
1,000 Eligible hours worked in a rolling 12-month period, including previous UC employment

Minimum 17.5 hours/week or 43.75% average paid time (APT) over rolling 12 month period


NOT a member of a UC-sponsored defined benefit retirement plan

Minimum 50% appointment for 12 months or more
An appointment that is 100% for 3 or more months (but less than 12 months)

Minimum 17.5 hours/week or 43.75% average paid time (APT) over rolling 12 month period
Core Minimum 43.75% appointment for any duration Minimum 17.5 hours/week or 43.75% average paid time (APT) over rolling 12 month period

Employee is ineligible for Health and Welfare Benefits because of excluded appointment type or does not meet the BELI 1 – 4 requirement:

  • Appointed less than 43.75% and/or average paid time (APT) is less than 17.5 hours/week or 43.75%/month
  • "Casual restricted" or student reserved position
  • "Per diem" appointment
  • "By Agreement" appointment without pay related to time on pay status
  • "Without salary" appointment
Post-Doctoral Benefits EMPL_CLASS = 23  

Q4. Since the campus and UCSF Health have different rates, which CBR will be applied?
In UCPath, the business unit in the chart string supporting the pay determines the set of rates applied. The business unit that houses the employee’s HR Department determines the CBR Group eligibility. The funding department/business unit pays their respective rate assigned to that CBR group. Employees paid from both campus and medical center chart strings will be assessed at different rates. See the Rates page for each business unit’s rates.

Q5. Which ERN codes are included in CBR and VLA?
The CBR website has a CBR and VLA by ERN Code Lookup to assist with understanding which ERN Codes will be assessed. Filtering on ERN Code and ERN Code Description will identify whether CBR/VLA will be charged.

Q6. If I have maxed out my UCRP contribution, will CBR still apply?
Yes. Reaching the maximum UCRP contribution will not change an employee’s eligibility therefore CBR will continue to be assessed at the same rate.

Q7. If I want to hire a prospective employee who currently has their own medical insurance, will the composite rate still be assessed, or will it be reduced based on this situation, or will it remain the same?
If someone waives their UCSF medical insurance, it will not affect the CBR assessed. CBR is assessed to the employer not the employee.

Q8. How much of the CBR for the Postdoctoral Scholar rate will be for health insurance? I can only pay the health insurance portion on their F32, T32 and NRSA awards.
UCPath applies CBR to all benefits-eligible salary, including salary paid on federal and non-federal awards. For sponsors with restrictions on allowable benefits costs such as F32, T32 and NRSA awards, the health insurance represents a certain percentage of the rate. The Medical Benefits included in the rate will be the Health Insurance contribution, Core Medical Insurance, and the PSBR Health Insurance. To see the breakdown for the Postdoc CBR Group costs, download the “Benefit Component by CBR” excel file on the Rates page.

VLA Questions

Q9. What is the VLA rate in UCPath?
In UCPath, the VLA rate is categorized into three groups for both Campus and Health: Group 1 is for employees ineligible for vacation leave, Group 2 is for Non-Faculty Academics and Staff, and Group 3 is for Faculty. The Group 1 rate must be 0%, and each business unit determines the rates for Groups 2 and 3. Rates can be the same for each group, or different. For UCSF there are two business units: Campus and Medical Center.

Budget & Resource Management monitors the VLA rate to ensure it is generating adequate funding for vacation leave. VLA rates will be adjusted up or down annually as these changes occur.

Q10. Are departments charged VLA after an employee reaches their maximum vacation accrual?
Yes. In UCPath, VLA continues to assess to the funding department even after an employee reaches their maximum vacation accrual. Departments should strongly encourage their employees to take and record their vacation, so that they receive a VAC credit when the employee takes vacation. Implementing this simple practice could yield significant financial benefits for all departments, especially those with large numbers of faculty. Faculty accrue vacation at the highest rate and are more likely to be at maximum vacation accrual; as a result, their vacation credit dollars would be, on average, higher in value. The VLA section of the CBR website has more detailed information about how the VLA assessments and credits may appear on the ledger.

Updated on 3/13/2024