B-1) Gifts

Review date: 
February 08, 2018
Responsible office: 
Budget and Resource Management


  • Money, securities or other property given with donative intent
  • Terms are reviewed by Development Office to ascertain that funds are truly gifts and not contracts or private grants. Frequently a discussion with Office of Sponsored Research is required to accurately allocate support.
  • Voluntary and, except for planned gifts, non- reciprocal
  • The Statement of Economic Interest Form (700-U) must be completed when a research gift is given to the University of California San Francisco or to the UCSF Foundation from a non-governmental entity for a specific research project or for the use of a specific faculty member.Gifts from non-individuals require a confirmation of purpose from donating organization.
  • Gifts from industry of $10,000 and higher require a Conditions of Gift Award Letter or other acceptable fully-executed agreement.
  • Contractual considerations such as intellectual property rights may not be involved.
  • Donor may not prescribe the method of performance or investment of a gift.
  • Donor may inquire how funds have been spent.
  • If spent in accordance with donor wishes, gifts are non-returnable and there is no specified period of time associated with them.
  • May be provided to directly support campus programs May be in the form of a bequest
  • Made to either the UC Regents (directly to UCSF) or to the UCSF Foundation
  • Earn STIP until used for donor-intended purpose (STIP accrues to core funds, not the department. STIP is not calculated at the individual gift fund level). Must be transferred to Regents funds for expenditure.


Review Department/Signature Authority