AGG and ADJ Projects

Planning-Only Projects

While planning occurs at the project level in UPlan, sometimes users will need to plan ahead for activity that does not yet have a Project ID or perhaps for a group of activities without Project-specific information yet available. Or, planners may decide to plan at the Project Use level to reduce their planning workload. To accommodate planning in these cases, UPlan includes a series of Planning-Only projects, 13 in total, each one identified as pertaining to a specific Project Use. Planners may select any of these projects and enter plans on the Revenue & Expense form. All planning-only projects have the prefix of ADJ in their description.

Project ID Project Description Project Use Purpose
2011364 ADJ Sponsored SPONSORED_PROJ Adjustment projects, used in general planning and employee planning to plan additional sponsored activity not without a project ID. Not used in Commitment Tracking.
2011367 ADJ Recruitment RECRUIT_FAC_STARTUP Adjustment projects, used in all spaces to plan additional activity not covered by an existing project.  May also be used to avoid planning at the project level. Not used in Commitment Tracking.
2011377 ADJ Other Faculty/PI* FAC_PI_OWNER_ACTV
2011379 ADJ Retention RETENTION
9002614 ADJ Capital CAP_PLANT
2011374 ADJ General GENERAL
2011375 ADJ Affiliations AFF_AGREE_CON
2011376 ADJ Pgm Investments PROG_INVESTMT
2011378 ADJ MC Activities MED_CTR_ACTV
8001131 ADJ Recharges RECHARGE
8500020 ADJ Recharges External RECHARGE_EXT
8800131 ADJ Costed Central COSTED_CEN_ACTV


Updated on 02/05/2021